JFCS Announces New Board of Directors Members

Jewish Family & Career Services is excited to announce the appointment of new board members Carly Geer Mason and Judge Derwin Webb.
Carly Geer Mason is a Louisville native whose career began in public relations with clients from the hospitality, consumer goods brands, and technology sectors. In 2020, she launched her own firm focusing on public relations, brand consulting, social media consulting and management. Carly is passionate about social justice activities and engaging with young adults in the community. Carly has been married to her husband Danny for nearly 6-years and they recently welcomed their first child.

Judge Derwin L. Webb is the first African American male Family Court Judge in the history of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. A first-generation attorney, he has lived in Louisville for more than twenty-five years. A former standout Basketball player and UofL Brandeis Law School graduate, Derwin has represented the interests of several defendants in high-profile cases, fighting for the rights of individuals as private counsel and as a public defender. After Representing clients for close to twenty years, he was appointed to preside over the Jefferson County Circuit Court, Family Division 10.
Special thanks to our returning JFCS Board of Directors members for their ongoing service! Board members continuing their terms include Vas Abramov, Pam Alaimo, Corey Buckman, Ed Cohen (Vice President), Salli Coleman, Jim Ensign (At-Large Member), Mike Fine (Board President), Michael Gold, Ayala Golding, Jordan Green (Treasurer), Micah Jorrisch, Dr. Lisa Klein, David Kohn, Betsy Prussian, Mark Roth, Corey Shapiro, Linda Shapiro (At-Large Member), Robin Stratton (Immediate Past President) and Helene Trager-Kusman (Vice President).