Volunteers reflect JFCS' five values in a unique and powerful way - Jewish Family & Career Services
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Volunteers reflect JFCS’ five values in a unique and powerful way

5 Things I Love About Our Volunteers

By Michelle Klecner, Volunteer & Events Manager

There’s nothing stronger than the heart of a volunteer. My job is fun and rewarding because of the volunteers at Jewish Family & Career Services. Our volunteers should not be underestimated for their influence on the culture and work of JFCS. Since being in the Volunteer & Events Manager role for a little over a month, I have appreciated every volunteer that has stepped through our doors and made me feel welcome. I know each staff member appreciates all the volunteers that expand possibilities for all.

So, to spread the love this month, for Volunteer Appreciation Month, I listed 5 things that I love about JFCS volunteers.

Respectful of JFCS (Kavod)

I am proud to say that some of our best volunteers have referred amazing new volunteers to the organization. I am looking forward to onboarding new volunteers and growing the volunteer opportunities with JFCS. Our volunteers are amazing at promoting JFCS and our volunteer opportunities!

Empathetic (Chesed)

Our volunteers are compassionate about serving our clients. I cannot emphasis how dedicated our volunteers are within the Sonny & Janet Meyer food pantry, shabbos friends, Pledge 13, telephone reassurance, friendly visitor programs, and events. The connection the volunteers feel to the community through connecting with clients is powerful.

Welcoming to the Community (Kehilah)

JFCS is a welcoming place for everyone. You do not have to be Jewish to volunteer or a client at JFCS. Everyday when I come into JFCS, I feel a sense of community through our volunteers’ smiling faces. Their perspective and way of giving helps create a safe space that allows everyone to feel welcome.

Unbiased in serving others (Tzedek)

We have a diverse community of volunteers that have different opinions, cultures, traditions and customs. They recognize that every lens and worldview are important and contribute to the diversity that makes Louisville stronger.

Helpful (Avodah)

Our volunteers expand the possibilities of JFCS in a way that would not be possible without their support. The help and time they give to JFCS is invaluable and allows us to make lasting impact in the community. There are always opportunities to make an impact and our volunteers find those ways!

JFCS’ core values are Kavod (Respect), Chesed (Compassion), Kehilah (Community), Tzedek (Justice), Avodah (Service). These Jewish words guide volunteers, JFCS Board of Directors, and the JFCS Staff as we serve people of all backgrounds in the Greater Louisville community. If you are interested in volunteering with JFCS, please email me at MKlecner@jfcslouisville.org or fill out this link here.