History Comes Full Circle For Kohn Family

At Jewish Family & Career Services, we hold our history dear. For example, in the fall, JFCS will be relaunching the Oral History, which interviews Jewish individuals to capture their story, experiences, and ultimately their legacy. These rounds of interviews will focus on Jewish identity and how that has been shaped through the decades. Recently, […]

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June is Pride Month

June is Pride Month, a month dedicated to not only embracing love in all its forms, but also recognizing the ongoing struggle towards equality for, and acceptance of, the LGBTQ+ community. JFCS does not stop at standing in solidarity with members of the LGBTQ+ community. We also celebrate their courage, their resilience, and the vital […]

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Volunteers reflect JFCS’ five values in a unique and powerful way

5 Things I Love About Our Volunteers By Michelle Klecner, Volunteer & Events Manager There’s nothing stronger than the heart of a volunteer. My job is fun and rewarding because of the volunteers at Jewish Family & Career Services. Our volunteers should not be underestimated for their influence on the culture and work of JFCS. […]

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Celebrating YOU … Celebrating US!

By Valecia Quinn DEI+ TIC Chair/Director of JFCS Navigate We see it everyday! Women across Jewish Family & Career Services, the Louisville community, throughout Kentucky and worldwide, women are leading by example, making significant and impactful contributions. Coming from the news publishing industry, it was especially helpful to have women in leadership providing support and […]

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Celebrating Black History Month 

How to participate in Black History Month through education and celebrations This year’s Black History Month theme is African Americans and the Arts. Historically, the arts have been a way for the social justice movement to reach activists in a unique and powerful way. Through poetry, music, performing arts, or even digital arts, African Americans […]

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Unleash the Power of Good: Volunteering Transforms Lives and Communities

The start of every new year finds many of us reflecting on the past and contemplating ways to make the upcoming year more meaningful and fulfilling. Whether it’s going to the gym, a change in eating habits to be healthier, New Year’s resolutions often revolve around personal growth and happiness. Many find a powerful way […]

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The power to repair our world!

When one person is hurting, our community is hurting.When one person starts healing, our community begins healing. One of JFCS’s core values is Avodah which translates to service. Service to others has the power to repair our world! The world can begin with your individual self, extend to your family and community, and that is […]

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L’ Shanah Tovah – to a good and sweet year ahead!

A special message from JFCS C.E.O. Dr. David Finke Rosh Hashanah marks the beginning of the Jewish High Holy Days, a period of self-examination and spiritual growth. It is a time when we pause to reflect on the past year and take stock of our actions, behaviors, and choices and look towards the future with […]

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JFCS helps clients ‘Navigate’ new careers

This article appeared in El Kentubano and the Jewish Louisville Community newspapers It’s 10:05 a.m. on a Tuesday and Lok Chhetri is sitting down with his first client of the day.  The client, an immigrant, is discussing the possibility of getting a loan from Chhetri to start a small business. “People don’t realize that to start a business, you […]

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Addictions Program Reflects our Dedication to the Evolving Needs of the Community

Addiction is a widespread problem affecting millions of people across the country. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, approximately 40.3 million Americans aged 12 and older battled a substance use disorder in 2020, representing 14.5% of the population. Spurred on by the isolation and stress of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the […]

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Serving seniors is a moral obligation

We find ourselves in a unique era in the ever-evolving human experience. The world’s aging population is now larger and more vibrant than ever before. Over the past 100 years, the average life expectancy has increased by 50 percent, allowing folks to live longer and creating new opportunities and challenges for the population as a […]

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Mental Health Awareness Happens Every Day at JFCS

May is widely recognized as Mental Health Awareness Month, a time dedicated to creating a more open dialogue about the importance of mental well-being and eradicating the stigma associated with mental health. At JFCS, this month holds great significance. The United States is grappling with significant challenges in mental health following the COVID-19 pandemic, as […]

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Supporting Transgender Youth: Support Group for Parents and Caregivers of Transgender Youth

You are welcome here. Your family is loved here. At Jewish Family and Career Services one of our core values is Kehilah (Community) which means connections that strengthen individuals and build community. We believe that the opportunity to go through life with others and share stories, struggles, and successes is what brings meaning to individuals […]

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A Time of Reflection-Valecia Quinn, JFCS Navigate Director

This week we are highlighting JFCS Staff and Board of Directors and what Black History Month means to them. See below for our first highlight. For myself, Black History Month is a personal time of reflections, as I think about the numerous sacrifices and accomplishments of those close to me.  My late parents, both successful […]

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Celebrating Black History Month at JFCS

JFCS CEO, David Finke, Ph.D. talks about what Black History Month means to him: Black History Month, to me, is the opportunity it provides me personally and professionally as the leader of JFCS to further live out our values of justice, community, and respect.  I see Black History Month as a reminder to once again […]

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“Home and Belonging”-Holocaust Remembrance Day 2023

“First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.Then they came for me—and […]

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