Jewish Family & Career Services
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Rediscovering Our Past

Rediscovering Our Past: The Oral History Project

Our personal stories are what make us unique.  They are what define each of us, and they also connect us to others. Sharing stories of our personal journeys is a powerful way to preserve our histories. It empowers us to leave a lasting legacy for future generations, helping others understand the richness of our experiences. This is exactly the mission of the JFCS Oral History Project.

The Oral History Project began in 2001 with a simple but profound goal: to capture and archive the stories of Louisville’s Jewish community, so that the community’s legacies would not be lost. Over the years, members of the community – from families with deep roots in Louisville to immigrants, all with diverse Jewish backgrounds – have documented a wide range of experiences. By 2017, JFCS had completed 207 interviews, all of which currently reside at the Filson Historical Society.

JFCS is excited to announce the relaunch of the Oral History Project this fall! This time, the project will be even more expansive, featuring a new partnership with the University of Louisville to craft meaningful interview questions that delve into Jewish identity, careers, family life, religious rituals, and even experiences with antisemitism. Our goal remains the same as it did back in 2001: to ensure that these stories not only preserve individual memories, but also serve as a resource to better understand the Jewish Community.

Through these efforts, we hope to capture the stories of more individuals in 2025, creating a vibrant tapestry of voices that will contribute to the larger understanding of Jewish life and identity in Louisville.

But this project isn’t just about collecting history; it’s also about connection. For our seniors, sharing personal stories can be a deeply meaningful experience, enhancing their senses of belonging and well-being. By aligning this project with the JFCS Klein Older Adult program, our goal is to provide a valuable outlet for older adults to reflect on their lives and share their wisdom with others.

Now we need your help! Whether you’re interested in becoming a volunteer or feel inspired to share your own story or that of a loved one, we invite you to join us in this important endeavor. In January, we will hold a volunteer training for anyone who would like to interview individuals and capture their stories. By participating, you’ll help us preserve the voices of the past and build a bridge to the future.

If you would like to volunteer or share your story, please reach out to us at, or Together, we can ensure that the legacy of Louisville’s Jewish community endures for generations to come.