Family to Family

Volunteering as a family can make you feel closer and more connected, and is a great way to broaden children’s perspective and teach them service to others.
Not every family can buy what they need at the grocery store. One way JFCS helps families like yours live healthy, happy lives is by providing them the opportunity to shop from our Food Pantry.
Your family can help us by buying items from our shopping list here and deliver them to JFCS so that the pantry can be full of delicious and nutritious food.
Learn about the JFCS Sonny & Janet Meyer Food Pantry and Reflect with your family on why volunteering and service to others and is important.
Take a family trip to the grocery and Shop for shelf stable items that our clients need.
Deliver your items to JFCS, tour the pantry, and reflect on the experience with JFCS staff!
If your family is interested in participating, contact Michelle Klecner at or call 502-709-9198.