DEI+/TIC Plan - Jewish Family & Career Services
Jewish Family & Career Services
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The vision of JFCS is that ALL in Greater Louisville live with dignity and purpose. This vision is not possible without prioritizing diversity, equity, inclusion, and a trauma-informed care approach.

In 2022, JFCS created a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion/Trauma Informed Care (DEI+/TIC) Committee made up of staff and JFCS board members. The committee was tasked with creating a comprehensive analysis of where JFCS stands currently in regard to serving our community as well as and working with current stakeholders and JFCS staff through the DEI+/TIC lens.

A plan was established that created a clear, implementable strategy for JFCS that focuses on client experience, staff diversification and retention, and stakeholder engagement. Beginning in July 2023, a new role was established at JFCS called the DEI+/TIC Chair that was charged with overseeing and executing the plan and keeping it forefront in conversation. The new DEI+/TIC Chair sits on the JFCS Leadership Team and ensure a DEI+/TIC perspective is always present during the decision-making process.

We believe Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and Trauma Informed Care is central to our mission to not only meet the immediate needs of individuals, but also break down the systemic barriers that can prevent individuals from realizing their full potential.

We are committed to an environment in which our clients, our staff, our board, and our volunteers can thrive.  Below are a list of strategies we are taking with stakeholders including staff, board, volunteers, and clients. These strategies are a way for us to communicate our goals and be transparent with our efforts. Join us in building an accessible and inclusive environment for Greater Louisville.

THEME 1: Establish an agency culture where DEI+/TIC principles are valued, celebrated, and prioritized

Objective 1-Diversify staff, board, donor, and volunteer base to reflect the clients we serve.

  • Train staff, board, and volunteers on trauma informed care and cultural humility of specifics needs in the community
  • Diversify the recruitment process of staff, board, donors, and volunteers through analysis of recruitment process, research of diverse recruitment efforts, and implementation of such efforts.
    • Specifically with staff, prioritize lived experience to reflect the community we serve and ensure pay scale is listed on job applications
  • Create DEI+/TIC agreement that will be signed by all staff, board, and volunteers and discussed in the interview process to ensure values align

Objective 2-Prioritize staff retention and professional development through a lens of DEI+/TIC principles

  • Explore opportunities for staff to engage in volunteer opportunities throughout the Louisville Community to expand partnerships and knowledge of the work of other organizations
  • Ensure leadership and professional development at all levels of the organization
    • Ensure Performance reviews are informative, fair, and timely
    • Conduct Learning Collaboratives to help employees explore and embrace differences (cultural responsivity, cultural humility, and trauma-informed care)
    • Provide Mentoring and intentionality at social outings to provide support and a stronger sense of belonging
    • Assess racial climate with intentional check-ins through engagement surveys and stay interviews

Objective 3-Ensure governance at the leadership level is prioritizing DEI+/TIC principles

  • Board will review pertinent documents and policies of JFCS including cultural, historical, and gender specific policies
  • Ensure JFCS is functioning through a DEI+/TIC lens through governance and oversight (note: four board members currently sit on the DEI+/TIC committee during FY24)
  • DEI+/TIC chair will sit on executive leadership and be a critical member and decision maker for the organization

Theme 2: Prioritize client inclusion and voice throughout JFCS

Objective 1-Ensuring clients feel welcomed and celebrated

  • Re-evaluate inclusivity of physical space to ensure individuals with disabilities are able to equally access services without barriers
  • Review paperwork for clients to ensure it is trauma informed, capturing necessary information, and filtered through a DEI lens.
  • Increase accessibility on the JFCS website to include various languages and is accessible for visually impaired
    • Remove language barriers, where possible, and ensure clients who are not English speakers have options of how to access services

Objective 2-Center client voice

  • Evaluate current client experience surveys and ensure questioning reflects inclusive language. 
  • Prioritize client representation during recruitment of various committees

Theme 3: Communicate through DEI+/TIC lens and report out to the Louisville Community

Objective 1- Build and grow relationships with external partners who also prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion

  • Choose vendors with intentionality and attention to DEI+/TIC principles
  • Attract and secure a pool of diverse donors to support JFCS mission

Objective 2-Provide regular updates to community partners about our DEI+/TIC progress and continued efforts

  • Update plan on website regularly to communicate progress of the DEI+/TIC committee  
  • Ensure all Communications reflect our DEI+/TIC efforts and diversity of clients and community we are working with/in

Objective 3-Prioritize DEI+/TIC in communication and marketing materials

  • Ensure all communication and language is welcoming, trauma informed, and strength based, especially when highlighting client stories